Jayakrishna Menon Vadayath


I am a PhD student at School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence lab at Arizona State University.

I currently work at SEFCOM with some really amazing people and my primary advisor is Dr. Yan Shoshitaishvili. I also actively work with Dr. Ruoyu (Fish) Wang, Dr. Tiffany Bao and Dr. Adam Doupé.

My research focuses on automated vulnerability analysis on application software. My areas of interest are static analysis, symbolic execution and fuzzing.

Prior to starting my PhD in Fall 2019, I had interned at the Information Sciences Institute at University of Southern California under the supervision of Dr. Christophe Hauser and at SEFCOM where I currently work as a Research Assistant.

I have also interned at ForAllSecure Inc during the Summer 2022 where I worked with Thanassis Avgerinos and many other amazing people.

I started playing CTF’s as a part of Team bi0s in 2014 and I currently play with Shellphish where I have been the co-captain since 2023. I primarily focus on Pwning/Exploitation challenges, but I occasionally try out some Reverse Engineering challenges as well.

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selected publications

  1. Arbiter: Bridging the Static and Dynamic Divide in Vulnerability Discovery on Binary Programs
    Jayakrishna Vadayath, Moritz Eckert, Kyle Zeng, and 9 more authors
    In 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), Aug 2022
  2. Greenhouse: Single-Service Rehosting of Linux-Based Firmware Binaries in User-Space Emulation
    Hui Jun Tay, Kyle Zeng, Jayakrishna Menon Vadayath, and 11 more authors
    In 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23), Aug 2023
  3. Operation Mango: Scalable Discovery of Taint-Style Vulnerabilities in Binary Firmware Services
    Wil Gibbs, Arvind S Raj, Jayakrishna Menon Vadayath, and 12 more authors
    In 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24), Aug 2024